Category: Uncategorized

The following steps outside of my blog’s genre. To find solutions to
The founders focused a clear vision of a future where every citizen had an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The vision, although beyond the reach of their current reality, was an ideal worth moving towards. However, the constitution they authored afforded a timeless means of continuous improvement. It recognized...

If you’ve ever stood under a high-voltage transmission line, you know
the sound of energy flowing. There’s a similar hum from high performance organizations. It’s evident the moment you step through the door because every employee is turned on—they agree with what their organization stands for and are excited about being part of it. ...

It takes imagination, courage, tenacity, and a strong work ethic to conceive
The marketplace is shifting because of global competition and the impact of digital technology—like a wheel within a wheel, so are internal business dynamics. The age-old challenge of managing growth continues. It is a challenge that will eventually confront every CEO. If the management of corporate growth is not dealt with effectively, the...

There is much to be said about the value of having a strong work ethic
The work of the world is common as mud. Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust. But the thing worth doing well done has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident. Greek amphoras for wine or oil, Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums but you know they were made to be used. The pitcher cries for water to carry and a person for...

Like an expert jazz group, successful small companies succeed when a limited
number of players are motivated by the founder’s vision. They know the team’s strengths and limitations, can cover for each other, are experts at shooting from the hip, can change direction on the fly and are capable of multi-tasking—in short, they do whatever it takes...

Many people dream without follow through. Whimsical thinking has its
place but all too often purposeful visions never see the light of day. Typically, the full impact of not acting on “what might have been” doesn’t hit until our later years—that’s when disappointment sets in. Jimny Cricket said it best, “when your heart is in your...

Handing over or inheriting control of a family business requires planning

Futurist David Houle suggests that the next two decades will see many
“Companies wanting to lead in the shift age will make a 180 degree shift from a mindset of knowing to an attitude of not knowing—replacing a reliance on knowledge and experience with processes for finding out and taking action faster than the competition.” ...

Webinar synopsis based on content the E book: Secure Corporate Viability
Many businesses are haunted by profit inhibiting ghosts—remnants of the industrial age. Decisions are often unknowingly based on outdated assumptions, attitudes, and behavioral patterns. My work branded me as, “The Corporate Exorcist”. The title, although adequately descriptive, did not win favor with executives who were faint of heart...

Many of us are hooked on approval. Too often people make decisions based
The older we become, it would seem natural that we should be stronger at developing our own voice and steering ourselves off a beaten path that isn’t working for us. But as adults, we can be as owned by the need to fit in as teens and young adults. Marketing and social pressures can make us feel that it is important to drive certain cars, live in...