Category: survival
When attempting to heal our nation: “above all, do no harm” the hippocratic oath
If our nation is to heal, much needs to be done personally and politically
. In doing so let’s not unintentionally empower those who do not understand or honor the wisdom inherent in our constitution. Its tenet “that all men are created equal” and “guaranteed a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness must be our cornerstone if we...
Management is failing to educate workers on the workings and benefits
Example: “if employees were to save $50,000.00 per year by correcting a recurring shipping problem, the saving would go directly to the bottom line. If their company was retaining 10% of its total revenue (after expenses), that $ 50, 000.00 contribution represents $500,000 that does not have to be sold. In a tight economy how many jobs might...
Radically shifting markets, a plethora of price challenging products,
ever changing technology, and the unrelenting hand of time are making the aging owners of small to midsize (SMB) companies vulnerable. For many, this is a new and uncomfortable mindset. Fiercely independent, hard working, and resilient, a significant number are reluctant to consider...
Today’s post is not intended to be partisan although many readers
The mess we are in was not caused by presidents, members of congress, the judiciary, or constitutional tenets. Rather it is being caused by a combination of; the untoward influence of special interest groups, a disregard for economic reality (most politicians and a plethora of their advisors have no personal business experience), dysfunctional...
Webinar synopsis based on content the E book: Secure Corporate Viability
Many businesses are haunted by profit inhibiting ghosts—remnants of the industrial age. Decisions are often unknowingly based on outdated assumptions, attitudes, and behavioral patterns. My work branded me as, “The Corporate Exorcist”. The title, although adequately descriptive, did not win favor with executives who were faint of heart...
Our economy is no longer in recession but recovery is painfully slow
. The good news is that you survived—and no doubt, you learned from the experience. Wisdom comes from experience, and meaningful experience usually comes from making mistakes. Life in the post-industrial era (what futurist David Houle calls the shift-age) is moving so...
We have evolved into what futurist David Houle calls the “Shift Age”.
I recently talked with Bob Riddell who heads up the business consulting division of Tribridge: a successful IT services firm (2012 Microsoft Dynamics Worldwide Partner of the Year) headquartered in Tampa, FL. No doubt, they will continue their winning ways, but the Tribridge leadership team has charged Bob with expanding their heritage of selling...
28% of CEOs say current economic conditions have improved compared to
It isn’t the just big manufacturers, oil companies and railroad operators that are struggling to hire skilled workers. The latest WSJ/Vistage small-business CEO survey indicates unfilled job openings are holding back business growth. WSJ’s Emily Maltby stops by Mean Street to explain. Photo: Reuters. The “Help Wanted” sign...
Few CEOs have an answer to this important question. Unfortunately,
An old axiom suggests that “wisdom comes from experience and experience