Category: growth

It takes imagination, courage, tenacity, and a strong work ethic to conceive
The marketplace is shifting because of global competition and the impact of digital technology—like a wheel within a wheel, so are internal business dynamics. The age-old challenge of managing growth continues. It is a challenge that will eventually confront every CEO. If the management of corporate growth is not dealt with effectively, the...

Observations made during my career as an executive coach suggests that

So your company has something unique—a competitive edge that really
differentiates you in the market. Perhaps it’s one or several of the following: product line, location, method of serving customers, a family ambiance, or it might be that you have a group of inspired colleagues. What has caused your success is forcing you to grow. OOPS! Your...

Einstein believed that dreaming was more important than knowledge or deduction
I was on the phone recently with a good friend. Somehow we got talking about dreams and how unique our dreams are to us. We weren’t talking about REM cycle dreams; we were talking about our life dreams – what we want for our lives and how we want our lives to be. I’ll admit that I am a dreamer – always thinking of what comes next, how things...

structure a business with a scalable model that can accommodate the inevitable
I began my role as senior VP international operations, by reviewing the performance of offshore sites around the world. Most were profitable, but a few existed only to serve large international clients who demanded global capacity from their suppliers. The UK office employed a skeleton staff with expenses cut to the bone. Five people with...

Remaining competitive while coping with a never ending stream of financial
, regulatory, legal, and operational issues, presents business owners with an unprecedented array of challenges. Pursuing tomorrow’s opportunities, while at the same time resolving today’s problems, will demand higher and higher levels of performance excellence—particularly...

Like an expert jazz group, successful small companies succeed when a limited
number of players are motivated by the founder’s vision. They know the team’s strengths and limitations, can cover for each other, are experts at shooting from the hip, can change direction on the fly and are capable of multi-tasking—in short, they do whatever it takes...

Be kind, even to those who are being unkind. Kindness is about realizing that there is greatness in all of us–everybody deserves to be treated as valuable–even when it is not deserved. Kindness is intentional. In kindness mode, we bring the best of us to each situation. We listen more intently and connect honestly. The amazing thing about...

In an increasingly competitive world, businesses will not survive or grow

The speaker at this large aboriginal conference noticed attendees,
Clarence Louie is everything that was advertised and more. Fortunately, he is aboriginal himself. If someone else had said these things—for example, the white columnist standing in the back of the hall with his mouth open, they’d be viewed as racist. Instead, Chief Clarence Louie is considered one of the most interesting and innovative native...