aligning the heart, head, and hands, will generate corporate energy
Surviving today while securing a prosperous tomorrow will not happen using yesterday methods. The following explains how to build a foundation that will help you survive and prosper in what futurist David Houle is calling the “shift-age”.
1. Make leadership everybody’s business:
a. Generate corporate energy by catering to the five year old that still lives in all of us
b. Transform personal values of employee into team centered cultural-values (rite of passage)
c. Create a “reason for being” then align people behind it (use as a super-ordinate north star)
d. Focus a vision of the preferred future and develop a compelling brand promise
e. Have employees practice using the brand promise to differentiate the organization
f. Teach people to skillfully recognize each other for making a values contribution
g. Management champions recognition reinforcement until it becomes a corporate habit
h. Ensure that strategy and operating decisions are always moving towards the vision
i. Seize every opportunity to remind employees that they must remain aligned with the organization’s cultural-values, ethics platform, brand promise, and operating processes
j. Remove people who cannot or will not align
2. Build an ethics platform:
a. Draw a behavioral line in the sand for each cultural-value
b. Act on ethics violations immediately using the performance redirection protocol
3. Establish standardized supervisory protocols for everybody with direct reports (with measures)
a. performance redirection sessions:
i. teach everybody with direct reports how to conduct a performance redirection session
ii. every supervisor maintains a performance correction log
iii. P.R. logs are reviewed during coaching with each supervisor’s boss
b. Meetings (participants rate on a five point scale printed on the back of each agenda):
i. agenda is available that declares a desired outcome
ii. meeting starts on time
iii. only those required are attending
iv. participants stay on topic
v. the outcome is productive
vi. meeting ends on time
vii. commitments are assigned with time frames
c. One to one monthly coaching sessions:
i. review last month’s results
ii. discuss the status of last month’s priorities
iii. review performance redirection log entries
iv. agree on next month’s priorities
v. supervisor sends a summary letter (1st person—within 2 business days)
vi. manager and direct report measure coaching session (a five point scale for each item)
4. Implement an employee-centered method of eliminating waste and rework
a. Make reporting waste and rework a non negotiable part of every employee’s job
b. Develop a waste and rework tag
c. Appoint a receptionist
d. Review w/r tags at management meetings
e. Differentiate process issues from employee problems
- Advise supervisor of employee problems
- Assign quick response teams to resolve process problems