what's your corporate message
If you’ve ever stood under a high-voltage transmission line, you know the sound of energy flowing. A similar snap, crackle, and pop can be heard in high performance cultures. It’s evident the moment you step through the door. Every employee appears turned on—they are proud of what their organization contributes and are excited to be part of it. The cultural-values and shared vision of a supercharged culture is signaled to the world by everything they do.
by LSI publisher Art McNeil
Successful executives understand that improving the signaling competence of all employees is a profitable investment. Great athletes, great musicians, and great employees remain that way because they know how to use fundamentals to carry out specific game plans—and they practice.
Success fundamentals:
1. Make leadership everybody’s business:
- effective signaling (both the walk and the talk)
- responding appropriately to challenge.
2. Know what to signal:
- Commitment to the organizations cultural-values
- A shared vision of the preferred future
- The brand promise
3. Use cultural-values company-wide as a performance tool
- Teach how to recognize a cultural value contribution (to inspire)
4. Show zero tolerance for ethics and process violations:
- Teach everybody with direct reports how to conduct an effective performance redirection session (to discipline)
Interested in how to improve corprate performance: downlad a complimentary copy of Art McNeil’s latest book: