dangerous talk if not supported by the corporate culture
Cattle are branded to differentiate them from similar beasts grazing in overcrowded pastures. Individual animals (read: products/services) eventually die—but an indelible mark (read: brand promise) connects them, while alive, to reputation and values developed over time by the herd (read company). A company’s capacity to consistantly deliver on a compelling brand promise is a success vanguard.
Informed buyers develop perceptions of value towards brand promises. The brand promise must be compelling, and equally important, consistently delivered. Compelling is a marketing challenge that should be handled by internal or external experts—consistent delivery by contrast is a cultural issue that should be championed by the CEO.
7 steps that will “hot iron” the brand-promise:
- The CEO action-orients values in a way that maintains momentum
- Implement a process that motivates employees to inspire others (inside and outside)
- Enforce an ethics platform that establishes non negotiable behavioral boundaries
- implement an employee centered continuous improvement system (to reduce waste and rework)
- standardize a method of onboarding new employees (commit them to living the brand promise)
- Standardize a three tiered supervisory protocol used by everybody with direct reports:
- conduct performance redirection sessions (to discipline)
- set priorities, measure, and coach direct-reports (to motivate and get results)
- chair meetings effectively (to make decisions, assign accountability, promote teamwork)
7. Empower employees to paint themselves into visions of the preferred future